Saturday, November 10, 2007

Millions in "One Day, One Deal" concept's business model is "One Day, One Deal." It's making millions. Every day at 12:00 am mid night, it post one product to sell. Once they are sold out they are gone for the day. It sells gadgets and toys with good quality and reasonable price. It allows people to post their comments for the product. There is a cult-like enthusiasm and following of the site.

Idea/Business Concept: Every day + One deal + Gadget + Reasonable price + Good quality

Friday, November 9, 2007

TV channel that Sells products and making billions

The founder of QVC got the idea to create a TV channel that sells products all the time. QVC sells products 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. It is selling products close to $1 billion every year. QVC is located on a big plot of land. It's like a big movie studio with many rooms. Each room has a different design and look. For example, there's a room that looks like kitchen, another room looks like living room, another room looks like garage, etc. Each product is being demonstrated live and being sold for 5 to 10 minutes. There are a number of segments related to the seasons of the year. Before Christmas holidays, QVC sells products related to holiday gift, holiday decoration, and food. There's always new products coming out.

Problem: too many products, can't see the live usage of the products
Idea/Solution: Products + Live demo + telephone to order + products related to season + TV station ==> QVC

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Make billions creating an online infrastructure for buying and selling goods is an auction website. makes it possible for people to buy or sell products online. The products can be either brand new, or used. Some people use it as a place for garage sale to get rid of all their junk. While other uses it as a store to sell their products. makes money from the listing fees and transaction fee. It enables Sellers to sell to anyone with internet access, and Buyers to buy from anyone they want without traveling to store. is worth billions.

Problem: physical store is costly for sellers, and buyers needs to travel to physical store
Idea/Solution: Simple Website + Auction + Worldwide Buyers + Worldwide Sellers ==> bigger market

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Make billions allowing people to transfer cash online

A few years ago, there was no way you can give your friend money online. Paypal's founder realize the opportunity and started Paypal. It's an online payment processing website. You can give and receive money from anyone with an email address. The founder sold the company to Ebay auction website for over 1 billion dollars. Paypal uses email address as a key and allow people to pay each other using credit card, and bank account.

Problem: Not able to transfer money online
Idea/Solution: Email address + Credit card + bank account ==> Paypal payment system

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Make billions creating instruments for passive investments

Stock market has many indexes to gauge the economy. The most well known index is Standard and Poor's 500 index (SP500). SP500 is an index of 500 largest public companies in the USA. Over 10 years period, most of the actively managed mutual funds doing the same style of investment can not beat SP500. The found of Vangard company thought of creating index funds that matches SP500 performance. Vanguard index funds are less expensive than traditional mutual funds because they require alot less management and trading. Not to mention index funds do alot better than actively managed mutual funds.

Problem: actively managed mutual funds are expensive and do not work better than index funds
Idea/Solution: passive investment + less expensive ==> index funds

Monday, November 5, 2007

Millions in bendable hair styler

Many ladies enjoy having long hair. They love to have many different hair style. It is very expensive to go to hair stylist to get hair style. The inventor of Hairagami thought of a bendable device to help decorate many hair styles. She made millions selling the device and instructional dvd that goes with it.

Problem: going to hair stylist to get many hair styles is expensive
Idea/Solution: Oragami + Hair ==> Hairagami

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Passionate Blogging to Millions

Michael Arrington founded the blog TechCrunch. He loves learning and understanding about tech startups, so he started blogging about it. He has advertisement on his blog and he is making over $10,000 per month in advertisement revenue.

Idea/Solution: Blogging tech startups