Sunday, November 25, 2007

An encyclopedia of business ideas

The web is very big and expanding rapidly. Every day more websites and blogs are created about Entrepreneur ideas. The founder of got the idea to create a website that has a large collection of business ideas and allows small business to make a page and advertise their business for $100 per page. It helps the small business by making it cheap to advertise and get words out about their business. It helps other entrepreneurs by having a big collection of business ideas in a central location. The website connect Entrepreneurs who are exploring new business ideas with Small businesses with products and services to sell. The site makes value addition to the customers (entrepreneurs and small businesses). As time goes on, this site will become more popular and small businesses will be buying pages to get the exposure they need.

Problem: Business ideas are spread out everywhere on the web, No central collection of business ideas, Expensive for small businesses to advertise online in popular Entrepreneur sites
Idea and Solution: Website + Small Business Ideas + Wiki + Entrepeneurs ==>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good site for us busness owners. Can I share one of mine, have you heard about the Young Entrepreneur Society from the A great resource for business people.