Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Helping American get more sleep

New reports keep on saying, Americans are not getting enough sleep. The lack of sleep is taking away alot of worker productivity and increasing motor vehicle accidents. Researchers have shown that staying awake for over 24 hours and driving is similar to driving under the intoxicating with alcohol. Metronaps.com will be making millions with it's Energy Pod. Energy Pod is a chair that allows anyone to sleep quietly and comfortably. Metronaps.com is allows people to rent the Energy Pod. Energy Pods can be found in some high rise office building. Workers can take a short nap and feel more energize and be more productive at work.

Problem: Americans are not getting enough sleep, many people find it hard to stay awake
Idea/Solution: Comfortable chair + Quiet environment + nap ==> Energy Pod
Site: http://www.metronaps.com

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